(首都体育学院,北京 100191)
摘 要:在英语阅读中,学生碰到这样一个句子: He was dressed up to the nines for the interview.不少学生理解为:“为了面试,换了九次衣服。”闹了很大的笑话,殊不知 be dressed (up) to the nines是一个有关“九”字的习语,意思是衣冠楚楚,打扮得极为华丽(wearing one’s best and most formal clothes),所以这句话的意思是“他要参加面试,衣裤穿得很笔挺。”下面谈谈“九”字的一些趣用。
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在词汇的学习中,数字是一个既特殊又有趣的领域。在数学的世界里,“九”的功能是计算,是实数;在我们中国人的心目中,“九”是一个充满神奇色彩的数字,是个大数。在中国,“九”象征着权威,历代帝王常把自己与“九”联系在一起,如: “九五之尊”(the imperial throne);皇宫的建筑也与“九”有关,我们熟悉的北京城有九门,天安门城楼面阔有九间,故宫的每扇门的门钉纵横各九排;“九”象征着天,九为阳数,九天(the highest heaven)即指天,天空,极言甚高。《离骚》:“指九天以为正兮,夫唯灵修之故也。”李白〈〈望庐山瀑布〉〉诗:“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。”(Down it cascades a sheer three thousand feet---As if the Silver River(is. The Milky Way) were falling from heaven!”)”九霄之外” (beyond the highest heavens ---far, far away);“九”表示多数或多次,汉语中有不少和“九”有关的成语,如:
九牛一毛(a single hair out of nine ox hides--- a drop in the Ocean), 九牛二虎之力(the strength of nine bulls and two tigers---tremendous efforts; use every ounce of one’s strength; make herculean efforts),九死一生(a narrow escape from death; survival after many hazards),九泉之下(down in the nine Springs--- in the nether regions, after death); “九”表示从冬至起每九天是一个“九”, 如: 冬练三九(the third nine-day period after the winter solstice---the coldest days of winter )。此外,我们还有其他含“九”字的词汇,如: 九州(the nine divisions of China in remote antiquity; a poetic name for China),“九族”(the nine degrees of kindred: (construed as either the nine generations from one's great-great-grandfather down to one's great-great-grandson; or four generations of one's paternal relations, three generations of one's maternal relations, and two generations of one's wife's relations),“九头鸟”((1)a nine-headed bird(a fabulous bird whose appearance was formerly regarded as a bad, omen) (2) a crafty fellow)等等。在西方,“九”也被看成“神数”,“神圣之至”。天主教的天使要分九级(nine orders);天主教的信徒要有连续九天的祈祷仪式(novena)。英国伦敦求救电话也是999。数字“九”及其倍数在西方也被广泛运用于文娱和体育活动中。如, 保龄球(bowling )中的瓶状木柱数(ninepins)为“九”;高尔夫球球场有一十八个洞(in the game of GOLF: the first or last half of a COURSE of 18 holes the first nine holes and the last nine holes)。Up to the nines(到九字)对英国人来说“十全十美”,“至高无上”的意思了。如:He was honored up to the nines.(他获得至高无上的尊崇。)由此看来,数字“九”在西方也是倍受青睐的。英语权威字典Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary and Webster's Third International Dictionary 中对“九”的解释分别有:1)one more than eight, three threes, the square of three;2) nine units of objects (a total of nine) ; 3) a: the numerable quantity symbolized by the arabic numeral 9; b: the figure 9 ; 4) nine o'clock——compared Bell table, time illustration; 5) the ninth size in a set series: as a; a playing team of nine members, esp. a baseball team; b: the first or last 9 holes of an 18-hole golf course…。除此之外,我们在学习中发现,英语中含“九”字的习语有很多,如:
nine times out of ten---almost, always几乎每次,常常
e.g. --- Even before I open my mouth, my wife seems to know what I’m going to say nine times out of ten.
nine days’ wonder--- a thing or event that causes excitement for a short time and then is forgotten昙花一现
nine to five--- normal working hours in an office , etc.
e.g. --- a nine-to-five job九点上班五点下班的工作
go down like ninepins---fall or be knocked over, etc in great numbers(大量地)倒下,打翻
e.g. --- There’s a lot of flu about ---- people are going down (ie catching the disease like ninepins.流感正在蔓延---传染的人越来越多。
A stitch in time saves nine.及时处理,事半功倍
A cat has nine lives猫有九命,指生命力极强,西方人认为猫的生命力极强,从高空落下也会安然无恙,有时即使被打得动弹不了还是能缓过来。
ninety-nine times out of a hundred百分之九十九, 几乎全部,几乎永远
nine tenths 十之八九,几乎全部
nine(times) out of ten十之八九,几乎每次,常常
possession is nine points of the law占有者民诉讼中总占上风
to look nine ways斜眼看人
right as nine pence完好无暇
talk/speak nineteen to the dozen喋喋不休,不断说话
on cloud nine 万分高兴
e.g.---My father bought me a bike, and I was on cloud nine.
in the nine holes 处于困境
e.g.---He is in the nine holes because of losing money.